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Spellbinders MERRY EVERYTHING Card Kit

Updated: Oct 19, 2020

My love of card kits is WELL known! If you've watched any of my weekly Mail Call Facebook Lives, you know that much of my mail does consist of card kits. So you know I mean it when I say a kit is an AMAZING value. And this limited edition card kit is truly amazing. Here is a short video where I show the cards I made, but MORE IMPORTANTLY I share all I still had after making 35 Christmas cards. You will be as impressed as I was!

It's incredible how much I still have left to make more cards isn't it! Here is a link to this limited edition kit on Spellbinders:

Because I cruised through the cards rather quickly in the video, here is a slideshow with closer pictures of them. Which is your favorite? I have a few!

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